Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Blogger with High Hopes

I am involved with several Christian Groups at a grassroot level. ie: Church Women United (CWU), Stephen Ministry (SM), and Lutheran World Relief (LWR). I will post my different activities in these organizations and hope others will note what they are doing in their faith based organizations. there are other Christian Orangizations I would like to know more about.

Just finished coordinating the LWR pickup of quilts (5650) and kits of various types in the state of Florida. There were 34333 pounds assembled into 1691 cartons and shiped to the Maryland warehouse. It was great to realize the fellowship experienced in putting these items together and the care it will give to those in need

1 comment:

fatand40 said...

Love your new blog, Thelma. I've added you to the class blog roll over at blogclassinfo.wordpress.com